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What makes a divorce conscious?

To be conscious is to be aware. A conscious divorce is one in which at least one individual is aware of his or her role in the relationship - good or bad - and takes full responsibility for his or her own personal and spiritual growth. No person or thing outside of ourselves will make us happy and fulfilled. That is an inner job we can only do ourselves.

What if my spouse isn’t interested? Can I still do it?

Absolutely. Conscious Divorce is about the individual, not necessarily the couple. Although the future relationship of a couple would most likely be better if both participate, the choice to use divorce as an opportunity for inner growth is an individual decision. You don’t need anyone else for that. A retreat would look very different with one person, but the opportunity for personal and spiritual development is just as profound.

How is the retreat different from a typical process?

The most significant difference is the commitment to two days to do nothing but work on yourself and your divorce. We rarely give ourselves the gift of time. To be able to immerse yourself in nature and your inner growth for two days is a luxury we are delighted to offer.

What are the accommodations like?

The cabins at Sticks and Stones Farm are rustic and range from screened in “gazebo” style to a large log cabin. All of them have beds with linens, blankets etc. included. There is no indoor plumbing with the exception of one cabin that has a sink and non-potable cold water for washing dishes. Outhouses or a composting toilet building are close by. Each cabin does have it’s own cooking space, and hot outdoor showers are nearby. This is a “glamping” retreat - a few steps up from a tent and a few steps below a hotel. It’s not for everyone, but those who come have an amazing experience.

What professionals are involved?

You will be working with a divorce coach for much of the work preparing for meetings, working on intentions and overall management of the experience. We provide trained therapists to assist with parenting plans, a financial professional to help you navigate tax and financial issues, and experienced divorce attorneys to guide you through the legal process. All of the professionals have many years of experience in mediation and working with all kinds of divorce situations.

How much does it cost?

Each case will be reviewed and based on the complexity there may be some variance in the cost. The fee for the 2 1/2 day retreat will be fixed so you know what to expect. No surprise bills at the end. In some cases there will be follow-up work which will be billed separately by the professional(s) involved.